Saturday, December 28, 2019

Proposal on How to Alleviate Delay at 3 Major Intersections in Akure Metropolis - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2907 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/09/12 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? CHAPTER ONE 1. 1 INTRODUCTION The at-grade intersection form over 90% of the road network in the nation’s highway system. It plays an important role in the road network, where traffic flows in different directions converge. It is imperative that where two or more roads meet, there is always a need to make a provision for intersections design in other to channel traffic into different streams. Due to several interaction that takes place between road users and traffic control systems, capacity of intersections are always much lower than that of their approach carriage way. This often results into serious delay due to reduction in capacity. Report shows that the nation’s population has increased seriously from the last census conducted, so also is the population of resident of Akure metropolis. This, however, increased the vehicle ownership and traffic volume in the links has increased dramatically due to continuous high speed growth of her economy, which causes traffic congestions and often results into serious delay of the road users. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Proposal on How to Alleviate Delay at 3 Major Intersections in Akure Metropolis" essay for you Create order The transport infrastructure put in place in the city of Akure hasn’t been able to ameliorate traffic congestion in the city, especially at the city center. The improvement in the income of civil servant and the windfall arising from it to the private sector also has shown that there is rapid rate at which people bought vehicles. This has brought increase in vehicle within the state. With the increasing trend of vehicle, it is certain that the design volume of most intersections wouldn’t be able to cater for the present traffic situation especially during the peak periods of the day. This constitute to the delay experience often at the city’s intersections. Intersections in this country are operated through traffic control signals or by traffic warden, but most intersection within the city of Akure is under the operation on traffic officers. These two forms of control systems are sometimes found to be inadequate and irrelevant during the peak hour of the day, especially when the traffic volume of the approach lane to an intersection is beyond the design traffic volume. Inadequate traffic control system or improper channelization of traffic, however, sometimes creates more problems than they can solve. Today at most intersections, it is understood that unnecessary stops and delays lead to drivers discomfort particularly under extreme traffic condition, thereby increases travel time and fuel consumption rate. This is always as a result of insufficient capacity of these intersections and often led to drivers and pedestrian discomfort. This has caused many road users their precious time, as the adage says â€Å"Time is money†. Civil servant and business executives are sometimes deprived access on time to their offices and businesses due to endless time mostly spent at the nation’s intersection. It has been observed that some intersections within the city, no longer accommodate the increased in volume of traffic especially during the peak period of the day in respect to delays and inadequate capacity experiences at locations such as Cathedral/Ondo road junction, Youth center junction and Owo /Ijapo road junction. It is imperative to know why users experience such delay and at times traffic jam. This, therefore call for a research work to know how the traffic operations and the level of service on these intersection can be improve in other to enhance the standard of living of resident of Akure metropolis. 1. 2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The aim of this study is to evaluate the average delay of three major intersections based on local traffic conditions. The objectives of this study are as follow. 1. To determine the average daily traffic volume of these intersection 2. To estimate the capacity of each intersection 3. To measure the effectiveness of each intersection in other to estimate or determine their level of service 4. To know the existing geometric features and their sizes in relation to capacity. 5. To know the traffic control systems and how it can be improved. 1. 3 JUSTIFICATION OF RESEARCH Since democratic government took place in the nation’s political system. The standard of living of public servant and their private counterpart has improved. The increment in their salary structure has influenced increase in the traffic volume of vehicle within the city of Akure. This makes road users to spend endless time before getting to their various destinations. Despite the relocation of the central market to another location in the city of Akure, some arterial still experiences unbearable delay by road users, this is always as a result of reduction in capacity of the intersection. It prompts for a research work on study of delays on few of these intersections and how it can be alleviated. CHAPTER TWO 2. 1 LITERATURE REVIEW Traffic delays and queues are principal performance measures that enter into the determination of intersection level of service (LOS), in the evaluation of the adequacy of lanes, and in the estimation of fuel consumption and emissions. Since numerous transport authorities decided that an acceptable LOS is one of the basic parameters to be fulfilled in signal control design, the obtained minimum delay being the foremost goal to the traffic engineers. Delays estimation at intersections has been extensively studied in the literature and several methods for estimating vehicle delay at intersections under traffic control system have been widely used. However, it seems that the exploration on the method for estimating the delay is still continuously conducted. This is may be due to the consideration of various variables which could affect the delays. As an example, the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) stated that the stopped delay can be multiplied by a factor of 1. 3 to obtain an approximate estimate of the total delay. Whereas several studies have found that this factor should be variable rather than just a constant value (Olszewski, 1993; Quiroga and Bullock, 1999; Mousa, 2002). The change of the primary factor for measuring the LOS at signalized intersection from stopped delay (HCM1994) to control delay (HCM1997 and 2000) also depicts the continuing improvement by incorporating current research findings. Dion et al (2004) illustrated five delay models for intersection under traffic control system: deterministic queuing model, shock wave delay model, steady-state stochastic delay model, time-dependent stochastic delay model, and finally, microscopic simulation delay model. The time-dependent stochastic delay model have been proposed over the years and have been incorporated into a number of capacity guides, such as those from the United States (TRB 1994, 1997, 2000), Australia (Akcelik, 1981) and Canada (ITE, 1995). Delay in the realm of signalized intersections is associated with the time lost to a vehicle and/or driver because of the operation of the signal and the geometric and traffic conditions present at the intersection (Click, 2003). While delay in the HCM 2000 context is defined as the difference between the travel time actually experienced and the reference travel time that would result during ideal conditions; in the absence of traffic control, in the absence of geometric delay, in the absence of any incidents, and when there are no other vehicles on the road. There are several different types of delay that can be measured at an intersection, and each serves a different purpose to the transportation engineer. The signalized intersection capacity and LOS estimation procedures are built around the concept of average control delay per vehicle. Control delay is the portion of the total delay attributed to traffic signal operation for signalized intersections (TRB, 2000). Control delay (overall delay) can be categorized into deceleration delay, stopped delay and acceleration delay. Stopped delay is easier to measure, while overall delay reflects better the efficiency of traffic signal operation (Olszewski, 1993). Typically, transportation professionals define stopped delay as the delay incurred when a vehicle is fully immobilized, while the delay incurred by a decelerating or accelerating vehicle is categorized as deceleration and acceleration delay, respectively. Various components of vehicular delay at signalized intersection including control delay used in the HCM (Quiroga and Bullock, 1999). In the 2000 version of the HCM, control delay is comprised of initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay, though in earlier versions it included only stopped delay. Besides the control delay, there is another type of delay which vehicles experienced at intersection under traffic control system. This type of delay is identified as geometric delay. Luttinen and Nevala (2002) define geometric delay as the time lost due to the intersection geometry. Geometric delays may be large for turning movements. Total delay of a vehicle is the sum of control delay and geometric delay. On the other hand, the drivers’ perception and reaction time to the changes of the signal display at the beginning of the green interval and during yellow interval to mechanical constraints and to individual driver behavior also contribute to the traffic delay at signalized intersection. Husch and Albeck (2004) explain that during simulation process using SimTraffic micro simulation software, there are input parameters called as driver parameters. These parameters involve yellow deceleration, yellow reaction time, green reaction time, headways and gap acceptance factor. All these driver parameters depend on driver type. Green reaction time is the amount of time it takes the driver to respond to a signal changing to green. More aggressive drivers will have a shorter reaction time to green lights. This value ranges from 0. 8 to 0. 2 seconds. While headways are the amount of time between vehicles drivers try to maintain. When traveling at 30 ft/s a vehicle with 1-second headway will try to maintain 30ft between it and the leading vehicle. Gap acceptance factor is an adjustment to the approach gap times. This is the gap vehicles will accept at unsignalized intersections, for permitted right turns, and for left turns on red. These values range from 1. 15 to 0. 85 second. The higher values represent more conservative drivers (Husch and Albeck, 2004). 2. 2 DELAY MODEL IN HCM2000 After the release of the Highway Capacity Manual 1994, numerous researches have been undertaken to assess the changes that were made in the delay estimation model with respect to the 1985 version of the manual. Using the 1994 HCM version of the equation, traffic engineers were unable to: a) discriminate between fixed time and actuated control operation; b) evaluate oversaturated intersections or variable-length analysis periods; c) evaluate intersections using variable demand profiles on the intersection approaches; d) consider the filtering and metering effects of upstream signals; and e) fully consider the effects of progression on delay (Troutbeck and Kittelson, 1998). Prevedouros and Koga (1996) compared the 1985 and 1994 delay models using field data. In another research project, Akcelik (1996) extended the 1994 HCM delay progression factor to account for the prediction of queue length, queue clearance time, proportion of stopped vehicles in a queue, and queue move-up rate. Fambro and Rouphail (1997) proposed a generalized delay model that corrected some of the problems found in the 1994 HCM model and that is now the delay model found in the HCM 2000. In the HCM 2000, the average delay per vehicle for a lane group is given by Equations 1 to 4(TRB, 2000). d = d1 ? fpf + d2 + d3 ? r (1) with di=0. 5c [1-gc]2 [1-min(X, 1. 0). C] g (2) d2=900T [(X-1) +v(X-1)2 + 8K I X] cT (3) fpf= (1-P)f p 1-g (4) C Where: d = average overall delay per vehicle (seconds/vehicles), d1 = uniform delay (seconds/vehicles), 2 = incremental, or random, delay (seconds/vehicles), d3 = residual demand delay to account for over-saturation queues that may have existed before the analysis period (seconds/vehicles), PF = adjustment factor for the effect of the q uality of progression in coordinated systems, C = traffic signal cycle time (seconds), g = effective green time for lane group (seconds), X = volume to capacity ratio of lane group, c = capacity of lane group (vehicles/hour), K = incremental delay factor dependent on signal controller setting (0. 50 for pretimed signals; vary between 0. 4 to 0. 50 for actuated controllers), I = upstream filtering/metering adjustment factor (1. 0 for an isolated intersection), T = evaluation time (hours), P = proportion of vehicles arriving during the green interval, fp = progression adjustment factor. In this delay model the residual delay components d3 make use of vehicles instead of passenger car units to quantify traffic flows. The period analysis T is reported in hours instead of minutes, but this change is reflected in the use of a different multiplication factor in each term involving the variable T. In Equation 3, parameters k and I are introduced in the last term of the equation, and this term reduces to 0. 5 and 1. 0 when the values associated with pre-timed traffic signal control at an isolated intersection are used respectively. CHAPTER THREE PROJECT METHODOLOGY 3. 1 STUDY AREA Akure lies within 7 ° 15? north of the Equator and Longitude 5 ° 05? east of the Greenwich Meridian (See Figure 1). The area towards Ado-Ekiti and Idanre are hilly and studded with large granite formation, rising to 410 meters and 496 meters above sea level respectively. Traffic survey and intersection reconnaissance survey will be carried out at three busy intersections in Akure, named Cathedral/Ondo road intersection, Youth center junction and Owo /Ijapo road intersection. 3. 2 TRAFFIC VOLUME STUDIES DATA COLLECTION Traffic volume count for left turning movement, right turning movement and through movement would be conducted on each of the approach lane at the intersection, using one person each for lane. Heavy vehicle would be separated from the light vehicles. This would be done in the AM and PM peak periods, between (7-9) AM, (12-2) PM and (4-6) PM. The volume computed would be used to determine the capacity and volume/capacity ratio. 3. 3 DELAY STUDIES DATA COLLECTION Data on delays will be conducted according to the highway capacity manual, where two observers are sited at one approach of each intersection. The following tasks are performed by the two observers: †¢Observer 1 –Keeps track of the end of standing queues for each cycle by observing the last vehicle in each lane that stops due to the traffic control officer or device. This count includes vehicles that arrive on going but stop or approach within one car length of queued vehicles that have not yet started to move. At intervals between 10 s to 20 s, the number of vehicles in queue is recorded on the field sheet. The regular intervals for these observations should be an integral divisor of the cycle length. Vehicles in queue are those that are included in the queue of stopping vehicles (as defined above) and have not yet exited the intersection. For through vehicles, â€Å"exiting the intersection† occurs when the rear wheels cross the STOP line; for turning vehicles, â€Å"exiting† occurs when the vehicle clears the opposing vehicular or pedestrian flow to which it must yield and begins to accelerate. At the end of the survey period, vehicle-in-queue counts continue until all vehicles that entered the queue during the survey period have exited the intersection. †¢Observer 2 During the entire study period, separate counts are maintained of vehicles arriving during the survey period and of vehicles that stop one or more times during the survey period. Stopping vehicles are counted only once, regardless of how many times they stop. Data collected will be analyzed using the following equations in order to compute the total control delay, and to estimate the level of service. TQ = 0. 9 (Is x ? Viq) VT TQ = average time-in-queue, s/veh Is = time interval between time-in-queue counts ?Viq = sum of all vehicle-in-queue counts during survey period, vehicle VT = total number of vehicles arriving during survey period, vehicle To make adjustment for acceleration/deceleration delay requires that two values be computed: †¢The average number of vehicles stopping per lane, per cycle, and †¢The proportion of vehicles arriving that actually stop group. V SLC = VSTOP Nc x NL FVS = VSTOP VT V SLC = number of vehicles stopping per lane, per cycle, vehicle VSTOP = total count of stopping vehicles, vehicle Nc = number of cycles in the survey NL = number of lanes in the survey lane group FVS = fraction of vehicles stopping The final estimate of control delay can be calculated as follows d = TQ + (FVS x CF) The value of CF is a correction factor that is given at the table below Adjustment Factor for Acceleration/Deceleration Delays Free Flow Speed (mile/h)| | | 7 vehs| 8 – 9 vehs| 20 – 30 vehs| lt; 3737 – 45 45| +5+7+9| +2+4+7| -1+2+5| CONTRIBUTION OF RESEARCH 1. This research can assist traffic engineer and road planner in future intersections design. 2. Guideline on how the quality of movement at intersection can be improved. 3. Traffic volume trend observed can be inferred to any future intersection designs. 4. This can help to generate timing for signal control system. REFRENCES Akcelik, R. (1996), Progression Factor for Queue Length and Other Queue -Related Statistics, Transportation Research Record 1555, 99-104 Dion, F. t al (2004), Comparison of Delay Estimates at Under-Saturated and Over-Saturated Pre-Timed Signalized Intersections, Transportation Research Part B 38 (2004), 99–122. Fambro, D. , and N. Rouphail (1997), Generalized Delay Model for Signalized Intersections and Arterials, Transportation Research Record 1572, 112-121. Mousa, R. M. (2002), Analysis and Modeling of Measured Delays at Isolated Signalized Intersections, Journal of Transportation Engineering Vol. 128 No. 4. Quiroga, C. A. , and Bullock, D. (1999), Measured Control Delay at Signalized Intersections, Journal of Transportation Engineering Vol. 25 No. 4. Olszewski, P. (1993), Overall Delay, Stopped Delay, and Stops at Signalized Intersections, Journal of Transportation Engineering Vol. 119 No. 6. Prevedouros, P. D. , and Koga, C. A. (1996), Comparison of 1985 and 1994 Signalized Intersection Delay Estimates, ITE Journal Vol. 66 No. 7. Troutbeck, R . and Kittelson, W. (1998), An Overview of the 1997 HCM Update, ITE Journal Vol. 68 No. 7. Click, M. (2003), Variables Affecting the Stopped to Control Delay at Signalized Intersection, TRB 2003 Annual Meeting. Akcelik, R. et al (2002), aaSIDRA Traffic Model Reference Guide, Akcelik Associates Pty Ltd, Australia. Husch, D. , and Albeck, J. (2004), SimTraffic Version 6, Trafficware, California. Luttinen, R. , and Nevala, R. (2002), Capacity and Level of Service of Finnish Signalized Intersections, Finnra Reports 25/2002. Transportation Research Board (2000), Highway Capacity Manual 2000, National Research Council, Washington D. C. Wallace, C. E. et al (1998), TRANSYT-7F Version 9, McTrans University of Florida, Florida.

Friday, December 20, 2019

American Beauty Term Paper - 2305 Words

Term Paper: American Beauty What are the costs of living in a success-driven, consumer-oriented, image-obsessed society? This challenge to contemporary America’s suburban culture finds a voice in Sam Mendes’ 1999 movie American Beauty. The film’s complex subtlety underscores its implication that subtlety itself is a casualty in our society. American Beauty’s tagline exhorts viewers to â€Å"look closer,† but the film expresses ambivalence concerning what is revealed by closer inspection. On one hand, protagonist Lester Burnham (Kevin Spacey) and his young neighbor Ricky Fitts (Wes Bentley) speak of the unappreciated beauty surrounding us; however, Lester also begins to question the values of a world that seems perfect but is actually a†¦show more content†¦Mendes and cinematographer Conrad Hall substitute film of a lower resolution to add realism to shots supposedly filmed with Ricky’s video camera. Black and white footage in the closing montage sequence diffe rentiates Lester’s memories of his life and family from the story time of the flashback that makes up the rest of the movie. However, the most important feature of American Beauty’s camerawork is the use of the technique to reinforce the message of the movie’s tagline, which tells viewers to â€Å"look closer.† Though zoom-out shots occasionally appear – most notably in the closing helicopter shot – they are far outnumbered by zooms that bring the audience closer to the subject. This preponderance not only contributes to the film’s theme but also emphasizes zoom-outs, particularly in the final shot of the film. Ricky makes abundant use of the zoom feature on his camera, and because his subject is often Jane, close ups on her are common. One particularly interesting example appears in the scene of Angela spending the night with Jane in the movie’s first section. The girls notice that Ricky has spelled out â€Å"Jane† in the yard in burning letters. Surmising that Ricky is filming them, Jane retreats flustered while Angela, ever the exhibitionist, dances at the window. Rather than focusing on Angela, the crass, unsubtle beauty, Ricky zooms past her to settle on Jane’s face reflected in a mirror. From her faint smile – anShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Women s Assimilation Into White Culture770 Words   |  4 Pagesinternal thought to African-Americans, especially African-American women, audience about why African-American hated themselves and wanted to be white. This self-hatred and desire to be white stems from the pressure to absorb and assimilate to white culture, which calls for African-American women to deny their race completely. This is perpetuated by which is proliferated practices and rhetoric that suggest that being African-American is equated to being inferior. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Theology and Religious Studies for Christ - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theTheology and Religious Studies for Christ Teachings. Answer: Introduction Church represents the body of Christ, the body has many parts that works together to achieve a common body desire. Example, the eyes sees something that needs to be picked but cannot without the help of another body part that is mainly the hands. In the same way, the church is one body that functions on the basis of Christ teachings. The congregation in the church is composed of different people, each has a role to play to ensure that the teachings of Christ are followed. Dorothy Days quote in the text was on brotherhood and love, a teaching that Christ gave to His disciples[1]. He urged them to live like brothers and always to love each other just like He did to them. This quote was influenced by beliefs that Christians live with and act upon by day to implement Christ teachings in their lives. Discussion Truth and Faith. This is the act of being honest with believe in Christ. Dorothy Day was influenced by the act of honesty while dealing with all especially the poor in the society. The rich didnt show honesty in their dealings with the poor as they only cared for their own desires and not the needs of the poor. The church has the role to ensure that the poor are filled with satisfaction in spite of the mysterious treat by the rich in faith that Gods will be done in their lives. As a result, the day was inspired by the need to remain truthful in all situations and in belief that Christ reigns above all and that His followers should be mindful about the wellbeing of others. Christians remain truthful in their actions of mercy and generosity to the poor. Despite the mysterious acts by the rich in the society on the poor, Christians have ensured that they provide for the poor through charity works just as Christ deed as they preach the good news to them. Faith has enabled Christians to i ntercede on behalf of the church through prayers to fight against any deceitful form of spirit attacking in belief that God reigns above such spirits. Through Faith, Christians are able to live a holy and Christ like life as they believe he will come back for them[2]. Love. This is a Christian virtue and also one of the greatest commandments that has a promise, love for God the creator of heaven and earth and love for brotherhood without a limit. Dorothy day quote was influenced by Christ teaching on love to all without a distinction of origin, skin colour and with all means of compassion. As a result of increased suffering of the people in America, the communist came up with means to fight for their rights but they were dishonored and accused of issues befalling the people. The quote was made to advocate for Christ love and sense of ownership among the many people who were left unappreciated for their efforts even at work places. Christian teachings are based on the love for Christ and use this in their lives to better lives of those who are in despair[3]. By sharing what they have with the poor, incorporating the unwanted in the society and also teaching them about love is among the many ways that Christians enhance Christ love in their living t oday. The modern church has enhanced Christian understanding about love as it has expounded it in different clear versions. Example, as a feeling of ownership, sharing, being poor in Christ and feeding the hungry as one assists Gods children who are in need. Humanity and a sense of ownership. Just as Christ taught, humankind is a sense of Gods presence among His people, all are created in the image and likeness of God and everything put on the earth by Him is under humankind care. Dorothy Day was influenced by this Christian belief illustrating that though some have more than others in this world, it was the intention of Christ for all to live as equals. Share what we have among the rich as well as the poor and in favorable conditions glued by love for Christ on humanity. The rich should respect and appreciate the efforts of their workers as they enhance their success, by creating favorable working conditions, appreciating their efforts through Godly manner according to Christ teachings to give them a sense of ownership. Marxism theory on humanity, illustrated that all human beings are linked to certain relations that enhance their ways of living. In the same way, Christians have supported human relations and a healthy well-being of peop le in the society[4]. They speak against humanity crisis brought about by actions of the rich and the most powerful against the poor and the powerless. Example, Pope Francis has stood strong in advocating for humanity in cases where its dishonored. Fairness and peace. Dorothy day was enhanced by the urge of a peaceful coexistence among the people and fair treatment in all activities conducted. Fairness is the ability to treat all as equals depending on the related situation, as a result peace is enhanced. It was observed that the increased cases of conflicts among the people was as a result of unfair treatment. The rich should not be more concerned of getting more profits in their businesses more than enhancing the well- being of their workers, they should be fair in all their activities. According to the teachings of the day, just as Christ was fair to all, its important that all are fair to enhance peace among them. The protestors advocating for the well- being of the people should be fairy treated in order to enhance peace without wrong judgement just as Christ taught[5]. Christians have enhanced fairness in the church and in the society at large. Example, teachings on fairness in churches and related Christian gatherings to enhance understanding of fairness as a gear of peace. Christians acts of fairness in their activities ensure they act as good examples to others in the society. Influence of above Christians beliefs as a teacher. Truth and faith. As a teacher, truth and faith are important beliefs to enhance productivity, healthy and positive Christ like relations both at work and to oneself. Truthfulness will enhance honesty deeds to both the students and education fraternity through provision of the right skills without breach. There are various challenges related to teaching as a career that can only be solved by any truthful evidence, example, wrong judgement from other teachers, employer or from students. Faith on the other hand enhances ones believe about success. As a teacher, one is categorized with his or her ability to succeed in teaching by producing good performing students, with faith I will be able to carry out all my teaching activities to the best of my ability believing in good performance following the right set procedures. Love. Just like Christ teaching, love is the greatest of all the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God to guide His people. As a teacher, loving all is my duty, in all situations to share and support the education fraternity that has incorporated me. Showing love to the unloved students as well as other people in the society is important to ensuring that there is love possession among all. This is important to enhance good teaching environment as well as an improved performance. Positive relations among teachers and teachers, students and teachers or teachers and their employers is influenced by respect that is as a result of love. In my role as a teacher, this will be important to ensuring that all my actions enhance love to acquire respect for good performance[6]. Humanity and sense of ownership. As a teacher dealing with different people, humanity aspect is very important to ensuring that all are treated in respect and as required by law. Students understanding and performance should not be measured in line with their race and ethnicity but according to their level of understanding. As a teacher I will enhance humanity by ensuring that equity among students and others in education fraternity is at per. Sense of belonging is important to enhance motivation among the students, good performance by the students should in most cases be related to their hard work more than that of the teacher. This will enhance their sense of belonging to even performing better in other life activities in addition to my encouragements as a teacher. Fairness and peace. As a teacher, its clear that acts of fairness leads to a peaceful coexistence both at workplace and in day to day life activities. Students judgement on various mistakes should be fair at all times. To ensure this as a teacher, all mistakes that are punishable students will be punished without fail where its relevant. In cases of any complains, the right protocol to rectify them will be followed. This is important to ensuring peace among all, be it personal or as a group. This is important in my teaching career to enhance a peaceful coexistence among all education fraternity involved. Bibliography Averett, Kate Henley. "The Catholic Worker Ethic and the Spirit of Marxism." Unruly Catholics from Dante to Madonna: Faith, Heresy, and Politics in Cultural Studies (2013): 95. Day, Dorothy, and Robert Ellsberg. 2012. All the way to heaven: the selected letters of Dorothy Day; edited by Robert Ellsberg. New York: Image Books. Peters, Benjamin T. "Ignatian Radicalism: The Influence of Jesuit Spirituality on Dorothy Day." Catholic Historical Review 103, no. 2 (Spring2017 2017): 297-320. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 7, 2017). Phillips, Jacob. "'Being Scorned by One's Own is Perfect Joy': The Strange Case of Dorothy Day." Journal of Religious History 37, no. 4 (December 2013): 528-540. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 7, 2017). Ricco, Robert B., and Anthony Sierra. "Argument Beliefs Mediate Relations between Attachment Style and Conflict Tactics." Journal of Counseling Development 95, no. 2 (April 2017): 156-167. Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed October 7, 2017). Smith, Rebecca, and Emma Massey. "Aspects of Love: The Effect of Mortality Salience and Attachment Style on Romantic Beliefs." Omega: Journal Of Death Dying 66, no. 2 (November 2012): 135-151. Professional Development Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed October 7, 2017).

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Horizontal Analyses free essay sample

Ratio, Vertical, and Horizontal Analyses Regina Stewart XACC/280 February 3, 2012 Jose Rodriguez Ratio, Vertical, and Horizontal Analyses A detailed examination of the tools used in financial analysis, in addition to their various functions, is provided within this paper. The current ratio and calculations on the questions are provided herein. A variety of tools are used to assess the importance of financial data. Frequently used tools of financial statement analysis consist of horizontal analysis, vertical analysis and ratio analysis. These techniques assist in the evaluation of financial statements providing information regarding the financial condition of a business. Evaluating the data of financial statements over a period of time, is considered horizontal analysis and is primarily used in intracompany comparisons with the purpose of determining an increase or decrease over a period of time. Vertical analysis expresses individual items in the financial statement in the percentage format of the base amount and is used in comparisons of both intracompany and intercompany. We will write a custom essay sample on Horizontal Analyses or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Vertical analysis reflects the comparative size of each category in the balance sheet along with the percentage change in the individual asset, liability, and stockholders’ equity items. Ratio analysis articulates the relationship between selected items of financial statement data and is used in all three comparison types. Ratios can be used to evaluate liquidity, profitability, and solvency in addition to providing evidences to underlying conditions that may not be obvious. Current ratio computation for Pepsico Current ratio evaluates a company’s liquidity and the ability to repay short-term debt and is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Pepsico current ratio for 2005 Current ratio=Current assetsCurrent liabilitiesCurrent ratio=104549406=1. 1 Pepsico current ratio for 2004 Current ratio=Current assetsCurrent liabilitiesCurrent ratio=86396752=1. 3 Analysis Depending on who is analyzing the Pepsico current ratio determines whether the analysis is favorable.